This page gives an overview of a few larger tripods which are a popular choice for astrophotographers. We take a look on: Innorel RT90C Artcise AS90C Evumo XT9S Weyllan LX9 An addtional motivation for this article was also to see how the Photastro leg spreader fits...
"Photastro Product Guides" Articles
Pages with more detailed information about Photastro products than provided the the regular product descriptions
(entries are sorted by the date last changed or published)
Accessory Plates for ZWO ASI AIR and Mounting Kits
This page describes several accessory plates made by Photastro. They all share a unique design with a pattern of eyelets and M4 holes for a flexible mounting and cable management. ZWO ASIAIR Plus Accessory Plate This accessory plate can be used with ZWO ASIAIR Plus...
Assembly and User Instructions for the Directional Yagi antenna for ZWO ASIAIR
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On-Focuser Mounting Kit for ZWO ASIAIR and a Belt Drive for ZWO EAF
Some time ago I started to consider to get a new telescope to cover the focal lengths of around 420mm which would be basically in the middle of 550mm and 350mm of the Sky Watcher Esprit 100ED without and with the Starizona APEX-ED L reducer. While looking around, I...
Using Open Belts with Locks
It is not always possible to find a belt on the market in the exact length as needed. Some of Photastro products are supplied with open belts. For these cases I designed special locks. (the above picture shows five locks in one blister) The locks are designed to fit...
Powered Counterweight – Four Different Designs
When I started with the idea to combine the battery with the counterweight, I thought, it will be a one-shot project. Well, it gradually became more a learning and a research project. Now, there are four different models made, whereas I do not count the first one...
Mounting Kit and Belt Drive for RedCat 51 and 71
ZWO ASIAIR Mounting Kit and Belt Drive for EAF on William Optics RedCat 51 and Red Cat 71 When I started to design an adaptation from my “On-OTA” mounting kit for William Optics RedCat 51 and RedCat 71, I observed that a much simpler mounting would be possible if it...
On-OTA Mounting Kit Pictures Gallery
More information about the kit is available here. The kit is available in the Photastro shop.
On-OTA Mounting Kit for ZWO ASIAIR Plus / Pro and Belt Drive for ZWO EAF
Some while ago I designed a mounting kit supporting various lenses. It is available in my shop and I kept using it on my portable setup. While using it, I came up with an idea of how to make it more compact, avoid using 3rd party mounting elements but still keep it...
About Photastro
Made in Germany. Shipped from Germany About Photastro Photastro is a new shop on Internet. It has been started in the Fall 2021 as a small business ran by one person in the spare time aside. The famous recent pandemic has changed my sabbatical plans in the year 2020,...