by Vladimir Minenko | Jun 28, 2020 | Getting Into Astrophotography, Photography
Getting Into Astrophotography for Daylight Photographers Notes from my personal experience on what to do, not to do and in which order Are you a photographer who uses a DSLR or a mirrorless system camera? You looked into the night sky and thought of including...
by Vladimir Minenko | Mar 14, 2021 | Photastro Mounting Kits Instructions
Mounting Set for the ZWO ASIAIR Pro and a Guiding Scope with a EAF-Based Belt Drive for Lenses and Telescopes with a Focus Ring A flexible way of setting up and use motorized focusing How come? This is a set of mounting components for astrophotography rigs using...
by Vladimir Minenko | Mar 14, 2021 | Getting Into Astrophotography
Do You need a Telescope and When You might need it... Some day... Use and enjoy the gear you have. There might be a chance for upgrades which are usable in daylight A Photographer Perspective As a photographer you probably own some interchangeable lenses. Depending on...
by Vladimir Minenko | Mar 14, 2021 | Getting Into Astrophotography
From a Star Tracker to a Mount Both do roughly the same, and you might end up using both Compensation of the Earth Rotation Star Trackers Start Trackers have only one axis. They provide a motorized system rotating a camera holder on this axis in the opposite direction...
by Vladimir Minenko | Mar 14, 2021 | Getting Into Astrophotography
Understanding Basics of Astronomy Getting a real education in Astronomy is a question of time and interest. Nevertheless, you need to know some basics for most steps in astrophotography If Astronomy is not your hobby, you do not need to dive in all details of this...
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